What Are The 3 Ways To Score In Pickleball?

Pickleball is a fast-growing sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. It’s a game that is easy to learn but challenging to master, making it popular among players of all ages and skill levels. One of the key aspects of pickleball is understanding how to score points. In this article, we’ll explore the 3 ways to score in pickleball: service points, volley points, and rally points.

Top 3 Ways Of Score In Pickleball

1- Service Points

Understanding the Basics of Serving

In pickleball, you can only score points when you are serving. The serve must be made underhand, with the paddle contacting the ball below the waist. The server must be behind the baseline, and the serve must land in the diagonal service court.

How to Score on Your Serve

To score a point on your serve, the following conditions must be met:

  • The service must be valid, landing in the correct service court.
  • The opponent must either fail to return the serve or hit the ball out of bounds.
  • If the opponent returns the serve, you need to win the rally by forcing an error or hitting a shot they cannot return.

Strategies for Effective Serving

  • Placement: Aim for the corners or lines to make it difficult for your opponent to return.
  • Spin: Adding spin to your serve can create unpredictable bounces, making it harder for your opponent to handle.
  • Power: Varying the speed of your serve can keep your opponent off balance.

Also Read: What Are The 10 Rules of Pickleball

2- Volley Points

What is a Volley?

A volley in pickleball refers to hitting the ball out of the air before it bounces on your side of the court. Volleys are typically executed close to the net in the non-volley zone, also known as the “kitchen.”

Scoring Through Volleys

Although volleys themselves don’t directly result in points (since you can only score on your serve), they play a crucial role in winning rallies while serving. Here’s how volleys can help you score:

  • Control the Net: By dominating the net area, you can execute sharp, angled shots that are hard to return.
  • Force Errors: Aggressive volleys can pressure your opponent into making mistakes, such as hitting the ball into the net or out of bounds.
  • Quick Points: A well-placed volley can end the rally swiftly, earning you the point while you’re serving.

Tips for Effective Volleys

  • Stay Low: Keeping a low stance helps you react quickly and maintain balance.
  • Use Soft Hands: Control the ball with gentle touches to place it accurately.
  • Anticipate: Be ready to move and adjust your position based on your opponent’s shots.

3- Rally Points

The Concept of a Rally

A rally begins with the serve and continues until the ball is either hit out of bounds, into the net or a fault is committed. While only the serving side can score points, winning rallies is crucial for maintaining control of the serve and eventually scoring.

Winning Rallies to Score

During your serve, winning rallies is the pathway to scoring points. Here’s how winning rallies contributes to scoring:

  • Maintain the Serve: Winning a rally allows you to continue serving and increases your chances of scoring points.
  • Create Opportunities: Each successful rally win can set you up for easier shots and more scoring opportunities.
  • Opponent Fatigue: Prolonged rallies can tire your opponent, leading to mistakes and easier points.

Rally Strategies

  • Consistency: Focus on making consistent, accurate shots to prolong rallies and force your opponent to make errors.
  • Patience: Wait for the right moment to make aggressive shots. Forcing the play too early can result in unforced errors.
  • Variety: Mix up your shots with different angles, speeds, and spins to keep your opponent guessing.


Scoring in pickleball revolves around mastering your serve, executing effective volleys, and winning rallies. By focusing on these three primary ways to score service points, volley points, and rally points. You can enhance your game and gain a competitive edge. Remember, practice and strategy are key to becoming a proficient pickleball player, so keep honing your skills and enjoy the game.

Also Read: Rules Of Pickleball Doubles