Illegal Pickleball Serves: You Need To Avoid!

Pickleball is a rapidly growing sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. With its own unique set of rules and regulations, it’s essential for every player to be well-versed in the game’s guidelines, particularly when it comes to serving. Being aware of illegal serves not only helps you avoid penalties but also enhances your overall understanding and enjoyment of the game. Here are the top illegal pickleball serves you need to watch out for.

7 Top Illegal Pickleball Serves

1. The Missed Serve

According to official pickleball rules, if you fail to make contact with the ball while attempting a serve, it is considered an illegal serve. This can happen due to a lapse in focus, a slippery paddle, or external factors like the wind. To avoid illegal pickleball serves, ensure you are fully prepared and focused when serving.

2. Stepping On or Beyond the Baseline

While serving, the server’s feet must remain behind the baseline until the ball is struck. If either foot touches or crosses the baseline during the serve, it is considered a fault. Maintaining proper balance and footing throughout your serve can help you avoid this common mistake.

3. Failure to Strike the Ball Cleanly

When serving, the ball must be hit cleanly with the paddle. This means you cannot catch, hold, or scoop the ball with the paddle. Any serve that does not involve a clean hit is considered a fault. Practice your serve to ensure you strike the ball cleanly every time.

Also Read: Are Pickleball and Paddle Tennis the Same?

4. Serving Into the Wrong Court

The ball must be served diagonally into the opposite court. Serving the ball into the incorrect side of the court results in a fault. To avoid this, always double-check your position and aim before serving.

5. Serving Out of Turn

In pickleball, it’s crucial to serve in the correct order. Serving out of turn is considered a fault. Pay attention to the serving rotation and ensure you serve when it’s your turn to maintain the flow of the game.

6. Screen Serve

A screen serve occurs when the server blocks the receiver’s view of the ball. If the receiver claims that their view was obstructed, the serve is considered a fault. To avoid this, ensure that the receiver has a clear view of the ball before you serve.

7. Hitting the Net With the Serve

If the ball hits the net and fails to go over during a serve, it is a fault. However, if the ball hits the net and goes over into the correct service area, it is a legal serve, provided it doesn’t land in the non-volley zone (kitchen). Aim high enough to clear the net to prevent this common error.

Why Are Rules Important in Pickleball?

Playing pickleball without knowing the rules is like eating a taco without salsa. It’s just not as fun. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, reviewing the rules before every game ensures everyone is on the same page and helps prevent disputes. Familiarizing yourself with the rules can even give you an edge during friendly competitions.

Basic Pickleball Rules to Keep in Mind

1. Don’t Be a Jerk

The most important rule in pickleball is to maintain good sportsmanship. Avoid trash-talking or getting overly competitive. Relax, have fun, and enjoy the game.

2. Use Proper Pickleball Etiquette

Pickleball etiquette is similar to tennis etiquette. Remain silent while your opponents are serving and avoid making noises that could distract them, such as coughing or sneezing.

3. Keep the Pickleball Court Clean

Ensure the court is free of debris. Pick up any balls that go out of bounds and do not leave trash on the court.

4. Respect the Pickleball Equipment

Treat the equipment with respect. Avoid hitting the ball with excessive force, throwing paddles, or stomping on balls out of frustration.

5. Follow the Rules of the Game

Adhere to the game’s rules, including serving properly, keeping score, and hitting the ball within the court boundaries.


While it may be tempting to come up with creative serves, it’s essential to follow the established rules of pickleball. Using illegal serves can result in penalties or disqualification in official tournaments. Instead, focus on honing your legal serves and practicing until you’re confident in your skills. With dedication and practice, you’ll be able to impress your opponents with your serves and enjoy the game to the fullest.

All the best on your pickleball journey! Remember to stay updated with any rule changes and keep practicing to unleash the pro within you.

Also Read: How To Play Pickleball